Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3 and 4

Last week was very busy so I am combining the two weeks in one.

Wikis - I must say that I have used wikis before so I didn't really learn anything new although some of the wikis mentioned were new to me. It does seem though that the LisWiki does not have that much in it. Library Success is somewhat interesting but I'm not sure how regularly it is updated.

RSS Feeds - I am also somewhat familiar with RSS feeds because I use iGoogle as my home page. I find that I rarely even look at my RSS feeds and that at the moment 10 feeds seemed an awful lot. I finally made it but time will tell if I find the Reader easier to use than iGoogle. I still like receiving emails that I can ignore or not. .

I don't have anything terribly interesting this week except finding out that AncestryLibrary now has the Civil Service lists from 1872-1900. Do you know that in 1900 there were two librarians working for the Library of Parliament, the Parliamentary Librarian and a General Librarian. The both made the same salary, $3,200 per year. That's it for now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week Two of 23 Things

So I just finished listening to the Lifelong learning tutorial and I am supposed to comment on which of the habits of lifelong learners I find the hardest and which I find the easiest. I think the hardest one for me is the first one of Begin with the end in mind. When it comes to learning I find it hard to think about what I really want to do and make a plan. I much prefer coming across learning opportunities serendipitously. Most of the other habits come fairly easily to me. I do have confidence in my ability to learn and enjoy working on challenges and I certainly like to share what I have learned with others and playing with new technologies and skills. However even though View problems as challenges is easy for me in some aspects, one aspect which I find difficult to overcome is the finding time to pursue my learning goals. I guess that's it for the tutorial

I just wanted to mention to anyone else who is interested that my favourite newsletter writer on internet and searching (Tara Calishain) is back doing what she does best although she is not actually sending out the newsletters anymore but is back to updating her website. So unless she finds a new way of sending our newsletters, I will probably have to switch from reading her newsletter to subscribing to an RSS feed or, her new technology is now Twittering. Another new learning opportunity. Learn to twitter. Her website is www.researchbuzz.org for those of you who don't know it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My first week on 23 things

I find it interesting that although most of this first week of 23 things included things I've already done, not everything went exactly as planned and I had to improvise. For example I had problems listening to the Caitlin's introductory comments and had to go out and come back in again. I think it makes me more aware of what my beginning computer students face. I'm looking forward to more challenges one of which will be contributing to a blog regularly which is something I have never done before.